Author Topic: Classes Help  (Read 3558 times)

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Offline eShades

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  • Posts: 108
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Classes Help
« on: May 24, 2014, 10:35:23 AM »

I don't know what this new stuff is. Help!

Which class should you pick?

  • First, check .ts to see what classes have been picked. It'll say the class after their XP. Ex: 3.) Wraithlock: 172 XP [B] -- which means Builder
  • Next, type .class "class name" to select the class. Your choices are grazer, hunter, thief, or builder.

If you're a builder...

  1. Builders begin the construction process for their herd. They select which building to construct using .plan "building name" after they figure out what they want from looking at .plans
  2. After selecting a building, type .project to see what materials are needed.
  3. Next, type .craft "material" (like nails, planks, etc. depending on what you need)
  4. Finally, type .send "material(like nails, planks, etc. depending on what you just crafted)
  5. To see what you have saved up, check your satchel (.satchel)

If you're a Congress-Sheep...

  • Get elected by having four herdsmates type .elect "your nick".
  • To open the Paint Shop, type .paint purple, green, red, or blue and your herdmates can steal from that herd.
  • To run the Oats Factory, type .run money to spend and you'll get oats based on the cash spent and workers used.
  • To convert oats to money, type .exchange number of oats. It's a 10 oats to $1 ratio.
  • To send your dog to the Kennel to get some training, type .train and your herd can send the dog out to hunt and definitely return with an item.

If you choose anything else...

    Life is more or less the same for you, but you do get bonuses for your main job (e.g. grazers graze more oats, hunters have better hunt chance). Here are your more significant changes:
  • Hunters can hunt at level one (and they hunt solo).
  • Thieves steal at level one (and they don't need a Thief's Sceptre).

Did I miss anything? Feel free to post. :)
« Last Edit: March 10, 2015, 01:31:22 PM by eShades »