Author Topic: A Penguin/Black Sheep Story  (Read 2108 times)

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Offline SAR97

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A Penguin/Black Sheep Story
« on: June 24, 2015, 11:24:05 AM »
Once upon a time, there was this little penguin who waddle away from his colony in south america into the dark forests of south america. He was lost, scared, and didn’t know what to do since penguins aren’t native there, he was alone, and it was new territory for him. Then deep in the forests he stumbled upon a little sheep that was lost and had ended up in the dark forests of south america also. So they teamed up started following each other around and helping each other out. Deeper in the forest, they stumbled upon a Human settlement where they started trying to capture them, since they didn’t believe there eyes. The sheep was scared out of his mind and was yelling DON’T TOUCH ME!!!!!! The Little penguin was trying to protect his comrade and started fighting there captures. It didn’t work and he was thrown into a cage with the sheep. After that the became best friends. They tried escaping many time and each time it failed. Later on the humans decided to leave and left them behind because they didn’t want to be made fun of, since they still thought they where seeming things. They escaped and started back into the forest where they found lost bunny. The Bunny started following them and they started to become friends. Then they came upon an area where all 3 of them could live since it was near water and had food for both the rabbit and the sheep. SO they set up little settlement for the three of them. They became best best friends and live happily ever after.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2015, 11:31:41 AM by SAR97 »