Author Topic: What is The Graze Game? (Outdated)  (Read 2902 times)

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Offline Resoula

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What is The Graze Game? (Outdated)
« on: May 24, 2014, 09:49:01 AM »
Whether you're a black sheep already and simply never stop by IRC to say hello (jerk  :-\), or you are a visitor who has caught interest in what our little "Graze Game" is in general, well I am here to tell you! To explain I would like to cite the entirety of an article posted on eRepublik that did just this. You can read it below or follow the following link to view the original article.

Greetings to everyone! eUS and eRepublik all around! Today I'd like to share with you one of the things that makes being a black sheep so much fun.

It's called The Graze Game- a game which takes place in our MU's very own IRC chatroom. Its a fun little competitive mini-game which allows for plenty of opportunity for all the black sheep to meet their herd-mates while having fun in a friendly atmosphere; all of which has been and is still being developed by our very own eShades!

In order below, I will explain how you begin the game with picking your very own herd (team) to join, the basic functions of the game, and will include some additional information.

PICKING A HERD is quite the interesting introduction to the graze game. You are presented with several colors; IE. Blue, Red, Purple, Green. Each represents a herd (Team) that you may join and play The Graze Game as a part of.

It is in this herd of your choice that you will most likely make your first and closest friends with. You will work together for the utter domination over all inferior herds!- And uh, yknow. You'll have fun too. =P

If you were to come down and join us in our game you could pick your herd based on your favorite color, or whatever you'd like really. Each herd has it's active players that I'm sure would love to meet you.

Unna343 is holding down the fort at green herd and always looking for new sheep to go green go for the win =D

Our very own Military Unit Commander Roper is moving over to Blue herd to help them out of a slump. I'm sure he'd appreciate some new sheep to help him restore Blue herd to it's former glory!

Purple Herd is our smallest herd in The Graze Game and is definitely accepting new members! Their most active player is our very own Henry William French. And he must be doing something right, because even being vastly outnumbered, Purple herd has recently been either taking the lead or giving the lead herd a run for their money, even when the odds are two to one.

Red herd is currently the herd that's been taking the lead recently, and is proudly the herd I've have chosen to join in this entertaining game we have. And I'd love to see any new black sheep to pop over to our barn and join us on our winning streak. Take the black and paint it red! Red herd best herd! ^_^

THE BASIC FUNCTIONS of this game may seem a little intimidating at first glance, but after a day or two acquainting yourself with all the commands it is very simple.

The goal of The Graze Game is to get as many oats as you can and hold the lead. For every second you hold the lead, a second is added to your team's total time. To win the game your herd must have the highest total time by the end of the round.

There's a bunch of different ways to acquire oats. You may Graze oats from your farm, Steal oats from other herds, or Work in a factory to produce oats for your team. On top of that you can send a dog out to hunt- which occasionally comes back with oats; and do many more things to attempt to win this game.

One Round in The Graze Game lasts about two weeks. But if it is felt among many people that the round is done and the winner cannot be changed- a vote may be cast to reset it early, keeping the game fun and exciting for everyone!

VMA-214 The Black Sheep is the home of The Graze Game. We are always looking for new sheep to join our ranks, whether they be interested in our game, looking for a community to become politically active with, or just looking for some friends to talk to and hang out with.

If you'd like to join us or see what this game is all about, I encourage you to drop by into our public Rizon IRC server #blacksheep and say hello. If you have any questions on IRC in general such as what it is- or how to make it work, send me a message or comment below and I'm sure someone will help you out. =)

We also have our own Top 5 Political Party here on eRepublik for those looking to become a black sheep!

Thanks for reading today everybody! I hope to see some new faces stopping by the barn this weekend to say hello. I'll see you all next time! ★★★★ Baaaa ★★★★

VMA-214 The Black Sheep Military Unit
The Black Sheep Party
« Last Edit: May 21, 2015, 07:25:37 AM by Resoula »