Author Topic: "Hale"...The Kane 4CP  (Read 3311 times)

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Offline Hale Kane

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"Hale"...The Kane 4CP
« on: February 28, 2017, 05:08:25 AM »
Hello all!

I am announcing my run for CP elections to take on Derp. I'm calling him out to write some articles!(no, I don't have any wrong-feelings towards him).

I'm not one for massive speech's. However, if I must, I will.

I'm pretty sure everyone here in the eUS knows me(not sure if they know me quite well, but they have come across my name here and there). So an introduction is not required. I have been an erepublik member for quite a long time. I have seen alliances, people, parties, and countries come and go from being the most powerful, to later crumbling and merely becoming legend/history. Maybe I might be the same case, maybe not. Only time will tell, and all I ask from all of you is a moment of your time.

I will run, if I receive "some" support. Doesn't have to be a majority. All I am requesting is you believe in me. It's pretty hard because previous Country Presidents and Dictators have promised the exact same things. How can I convince you? I can always bring up the lyrics from the group ABBA, "Take a chance on me".
I'm not a political legend, I'm not the smartest person in the eUS(by a long shot), and I am definitely not the richest person in the eUS.

Why am I running for CP, you ask. As a joke? For fun? Because I need that medal?
Neither of those answers.

I am here to represent the people. I want to give this eCountry a spectacle. Something to entice them back into the game.
Yes, the admins may not be helping me on that part. However, I can create something, even for a month, and make it real.

Can I promise my cabinet can do the same. No. The only promise I can make, is what I do for YOU ALL!
That is what I promise to you. I don't write fancy looking articles, I give you the complete and honest truth. Which do you prefer?
« Last Edit: February 28, 2017, 06:35:24 AM by Hale Kane »

Offline Hale Kane

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Re: "Hale"...The Kane 4CP
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2017, 05:58:10 AM »
"Hale"..The Kane 4CP: Spoiler Alert

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Offline unna343

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Re: "Hale"...The Kane 4CP
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2017, 07:57:49 AM »
What war plans you have?

Offline Hale Kane

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Re: "Hale"...The Kane 4CP
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2017, 11:58:40 AM »
What war plans you have?

I plan to discuss it in more depth with the MoFA along with congress-members & cabinet members.

Last time a plan was leaked(for example, this term), the opponent got a head start in the game.
I do not plan to make that mistake again(as with this forum, everything said here is visible to everyone, even if you do not have an account)

But if you are really want to know, just send me a message in game.
I'll gladly take anyone's question.

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